Geographical index of Toril

This article is about the fictional fantasy setting of Forgotten Realms.

Places can be listed twice: once in political regions and once in geographical regions.



Faerûn is a fictional continent in the Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting world of Forgotten Realms.

Geopolitical areas of Faerûn
Northwest Faerûn North Faerûn Northeast Faerûn
  • High Forest
  • The Savage Frontier
  • Silver Marches
  • Sword Coast
  • Ten Towns
  • Waterdeep
  • Empire of Shadows
  • The Dalelands
  • The Moonsea
  • The Ride
  • Reghed
  • Thar
  • The Tortured Land
  • The Vast
  • Cold Lands
    • Damara
    • Narfell
    • Sossal
    • Vaasa
  • Great Dale
  • Impiltur
  • Pelvuria
    • Alpuk
    • Angalpuk
    • Nakvalicach
    • Novularond
  • Rashemen
  • Taan
West Faerûn Interior Faerûn East Faerûn
  • Lands of Intrigues
    • Amn
    • Calimshan
    • Erlkazar
    • Tethyr
  • Western Heartlands
  • Chondath
  • Cormyr
  • Sembia
  • Vilhon Reach
    • Hlondeth
    • Sespech
    • Turmish
  • Ashanath
  • Aglarond
  • Altumbel
  • Old Kingdoms
    • Chessenta
    • Unther
    • Mulhorand
      • Murghôm
      • Semphar
  • Thay
  • Thesk
    • Telflamm
Chultan peninsula The Shining South
Southwest Faerûn South Faerûn Southeast Faerûn
  • Chult
  • Samarach
  • Tashalar
  • Thindol
  • Border Kingdoms
  • Great Rift
  • Halruaa
  • Lapaliiya
  • Shaar
  • Luiren
  • Dambrath
  • Rethild
  • The Shining Lands
    • Durpar
    • Estagund
    • Var the Golden
  • Veldorn
  • The Utter East
    • Free Cities of Parsanic
    • Ulgarth
Other locations
Underdark Island Kingdoms of Faerûn Lost Empires of Faerûn
Deep Shanatar (Iltkazar), Menzoberranzan Evermeet, Moonshae Isles, Nelanther Isles, Lantan, Nimbral, Tharsult, Prespur Aryselmalyr, Aryvandaar (Vyshaantar), Athalantar, Bhaerynden, Caesinmalsvir, Cormanthyr, Darastriverthicha, Darchar, Dhalnada, Eaerlann, Eastern Shaar, Eiellûr, Grunfesting, Guge, Helligheim, Hlaungadath, Illefarn, Ilythiir, Imaskar, Isstosseffifil, Jhaamdath, Keltormir, Mhairshaulk, Miyeritar, Nedeheim, Netheril, Nikerymath, Okoth, Orishaar, Ostoria, Phaerlin, Raumathar, Rangfjell, Rringlor Noroth, Selmalyr, Serôs, Shantel Othreier, Sharlarion, Synnoria, Syòrpiir, Telantiwar, Tharkrixghontix, Thearnytaar

Northwest Faerûn

The northwestern part of Faerûn is a region of wilderness, difficult winter weather, orc hordes, and barbarian tribes. It is a mostly untamed region that lies between the large Anauroch desert in the east and the expansive Sea of Swords to the west. This area is one of the most popular regions for role-playing campaigns set in Faerûn, and has been the setting for a number of popular role-playing video games.

North Faerûn

The northern part of the continent stretches from the wide Anauroch desert in the west to the eastern edge of the inland Moonsea, in the northern region of the continent. It is a region of contrasts, with the forested Dalelands, the wastes of Anauroch, the coastline of the Moonsea, and the bitterly cold steppes of The Ride.

Northeast Faerûn

The northeastern part of the continent is a remote area that begins in the cold, forbidding lands along the great ice sheets and continues south toward the northeastern shores of the Sea of Fallen Stars. It is bordered on the west by the mountain-hemmed land of Vaasa and stretches east to the vast steppes of the Hordelands.

The lands of Damara and Vassa were described in a 1989 publication, FR9, The Bloodstone Lands.[1] This location formed the setting for the "H Series" of modules that used the Battlesystem rules to resolve battles.

West Faerûn

The western part of the continent includes the nations south of Waterdeep and north of the Shining Sea, that border along the Sea of Swords. It also includes the multitude of islands that lie to the west in the vast ocean called the Trackless Sea. The closely linked nations of Amn, Tethyr, and Calimshan have been collectively termed the "Lands of Intrigue" in the campaign setting publications. These works include the "Empires of the Sands", published in 1988.[2]

Interior Faerûn

With the exception of the Shining Plains, the interior lands of the continent lie along the irregular coastline of the western Sea of Fallen Stars. In the north the Dragonmere arm of the sea extends far to the west, ending close to the Western Heartlands. To the south, the Vilhon Reach forms a second arm leading to the southwest.

East Faerûn

The eastern part of the continent borders the eastern expanses of the Sea of Fallen Stars. Here the sea forms a long arm that travels to the east before turning south to become the Alamber Sea. The northern nations of this mysterious area are termed the "Unapproachable East" and the southern nations the "Old Empires" in campaign setting publications. Many of these nations allow slavery, and depend on slaves for much of their economy.

Southwest Faerûn

The southwestern part of the continent lies along the great Chultan peninsula that juts out toward the west. The waters to the north are named the Shining Sea, a body bounded by Calisham to the north and joined to the Lake of Steam through the Straits of Storm. To the south of the land is the Great Sea.

South Faerûn

The southern part of the continent lies to the south of the regions around the Sea of Fallen Stars, being somewhat isolated by the Lake of Steam in the west, and the vast length of the Shaar. It is bordered along the south by the Great Sea; to the west by the Chultan peninsula region, and in the east by Luiren.

Southeast Faerûn

The southeastern part of the continent lies to the south and east of the grassy plains known as the Shaar, along the shores of the Great Sea opposite the land of Zakhara.

Beyond this region, and thus beyond Faerûn, lie, in the south the giant peninsula of Zakhara and in the east, the Five Kingdoms of the Utter East.

Political Regions


  • Alpuk
  • Ashanath
  • Angalpuk
  • Cormyr
  • Dalelands
  • Evermeet
  • Great Dale
  • Impiltur
  • Lantan
  • Moonshae Isles
  • Najara the Serpent Kingdom
  • Nakvalicach
  • Novularond
  • Nimbral
  • Priapurl
  • Sembia
  • Seros
  • Shaareach
  • Tharsult
  • Threskel
  • Thesk

Chult Peninsula

The Cold Lands

Dwarven Kingdoms

The Empires of the Sand

The Endless Wastes of the Hordelands

The Utter East


The Old Empires

The Shining South

The Unapproachable East

Vilhon Reach

Defunct Countries and Cities


Geographical Regions


Terrestrial Regions of Faerûn

Bodies of water

Seas and oceans

Archipelagos, submerged kingdoms/cities and major islands



Mountains Ranges



  1. ^ Schick, Lawrence (1991). Heroic Worlds: A History and Guide to Role-Playing Games. Buffalo, New York: Prometheus Books. ISBN 0-87975-653-5. 
  2. ^ Schick, Lawrence (1991). Heroic Worlds: A History and Guide to Role-Playing Games. Buffalo, New York: Prometheus Books. ISBN 0-87975-653-5. 

External links

Some official sites occasionally have new material worth including in their respective entries. So far such sites are: